My life as a Sacristan at St. Patrick's Catholic Church:
Being a sacristan at St. Patrick Catholic Church is a rewarding and meaningful ministry. Before becoming a sacristan, I never realized how much time is spent preparing and cleaning up before and after even the shortest liturgy. However, I find it to be a great privilege & thus a way of serving the Lord, which fills me with great joy. Sacristans enjoy making our liturgies go as smoothly as possible for our fellow parishioners.
Before Holy Mass, Sacristan ensures that the items necessary for worship are in place by preparing the sanctuary for the upcoming Holy Mass, and remain afterwards to clean up. It is a pleasure working with our Pastor, Fr. Boniface, and using our talents to serving God in the ministry as a Sacristan.
Peace, love, and God bless…
Nancy A.
For the past forty five years I have chose to pursue my life as a member of St. Patrick Catholic Church. In August 2015 I was privileged with becoming a sacristan. Since then, I began attending daily Holy Mass and learned more about our Lord Jesus Christ. I live in close proximity to the church, so my daily walking to church has since been filled with joy. In preparation for the Holy Eucharist we put in place the wine, water, and bread for the start of Holy Mass.
Blessed is the poor in spirit.
Barbara Lancaster